Sunday, June 6, 2010

Long time no hear

I think our notre famille blog has been overshadowed by the seasonofthechans. Nobody wrote anything since Christmas, 2009. But it is good because our attention is all focused on Baby Chan now.

Daddy and I had a great time driving up to Seattle. It was great to see CC and Garrett. We bought a crib as our gift to Baby Chan. As Daddy was putting up the crib with Garrett, it reminded me the times that Daddy was building the drawers, tables and other things with you kids. A family builds together, stays together. Once in while, I love to remember things that we have done before together........our precious moments. So please, no matter how busy you all are, drop us a line or email to let us know what's new with you. I don't just want to remember but I also want to live it. love, mom xoxoxo