Saturday, October 17, 2009

It's all done

After waiting for 3 long weeks, the final pieces of our kitchen remodeling project arrived, the oven and dishwasher. They came on Saturday, October 11, a little before 11:30a.m. We emailed our contractor, Allen, that they have arrived. Allen agreed to come early next week to install. Tuesday came and he found a problem. he could not get an adaptor fitting for the dishwasher. He spent Tuesday afternoon in pouring rain to try to find that part. Finally, he called me to order it on line because no place has a stock of it. It is too new. So, daddy order it and it arrived next day. Problem solved. On Wednesday, Allen put the final touches on the windows. They look really good. On Friday, the front door was installed. I love it. Allen brought a dumpster and cleaned up. We tried to throw away things but not too successfully. Today, we paid the rest of the payments for the remodeling. The kitchen project is officially completed. We hope you will come back and see. But, not too soon, we still have a lot to organize. I wish I can put a picture here but I can't.

Monday, October 5, 2009

weekend with family

hot pot with the fam from Gar on Vimeo.

It was a busy, but fun weekend... thanks for visiting Jaime, BeeJ, Valene, and Dustin!


Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's Almost There!

Wow, we have not written since Friday, 9/18. On Saturday morning 9/19, we went to get more floor tiles for the workers. When we came back, Tony tried to put up the range hood and he said that there was no electrical power and it did not work. I was not very happy about this. So, we took the hood and went to the Sunnyvale store and see what we could do while Tony finised the floor. When we got to the store, the lady said that tightened the screw and it would be okay. So, we took the hood back home and told Tony to tighten the screw and it still did not work. At this time, we did not want to ruin the hood so we decided that we will call the Oakland store and ask for service. The service man did not come until this last Monday. It was the screw. It was not long enough to make contact. So, now it is working and awaiting for the range to come.

In the meantime, Allen, our contractor, wanted to us to look for the windows. He gave us the name of the place, Bay City Windows, and the person, Gina, and the kind of windows we should get (Tuschany). So, on Monday, I tried to call Gina. She was one busy woman. I left messages for 2 days and she never called me back. I was a little annoyed. But, on Tuesday, our faucet came in. I was excited and called Allen and told him. So, he came to put in the faucet on Wednesday morning and asked Daddy how was the windows searching going. I wanted Daddy to be there while he put on the faucet. So, Daddy told him that we could not get in touch with Gina. Right the way, he called Gina on the phone and we had an appointment in the afternoon at 2p.m. So, off we went to Fremont. The windows are simple and energy efficient and they look nice. So, we paid and left. They will be here on oct 6. After the window, we decided to go to Home Depot to get our knobs. They are simple ceramic knobs. This kitchen will be finished when the stove and dishwasher come in on 10/10. We cannot wait to see this whole project finished. Oh, remember we told you that Allen was not sure about us ordering an unusual faucet online. After he put the faucet in, I asked how he liked our faucet. He said that he liked it and he might even buy one for himself. It is cool. I have to leave for my annual checkup. So, I will talk to you later. Have a great time this weekend. We wish we could be with you all in Seattle................